Althoug the market for stocks is upwardly biases over long term periods, 1/3 of the time it is headed downside. Remember that stock fall faster than they go up, fear is the driver.

We are in the same point that we were on Friday when we sold short.

You have to relize that the monetary ammunition is exhausted, Bernake has worked hard in the theater of the media and the G20 preparation meeting also has trigered the upward movement in Europe today. Fortunalely not all the people is telling us stories Paul Krugman hast told to the European what is expected for them, ..., and also for us.

The AD-line has gone up while the SP has gone down, that means more falling. Friday will be very dangerous, weak hands are buying stocks trusting in the words of politicians.

Perhaps in April the trend could change, but today this is fiction.

I hope that the rain of news do not make my stop loss to execute.

Today was a day to test your mind control. We sold short on Friday on 750, so we are not profiting and today you have seen 4% looses in some intraday moments. Why did you not sell? Only because your cortex was controlling the situation, there was a reasoning for not acting.

But buddy, sell your bank stocks, you will sleep better.

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